Kaitlin & Steven
XXX Days Left
Our Story
Steven and Kait met through friends, and by friends, they mean the internet. Their first date was in Newtown, PA at Jule's Pizza. They then enjoyed some sweet ice cream at Sweet Pea’s Ice Cream Shop. It was a fantastically long date which spread late into the night, essentially they closed Newtown down.
One date became multiple dates a week. Kait being as unrelenting as usual, couldn’t stand being without a title. On Oct 10, 2016, after a long night of watching the second presidential debate, finally, Kait got Steven to ask her to be his girlfriend. After surviving her first Zilberberg Thanksgiving that year, Kait knew how much Steve meant to her (even after he ditched her the whole night to play games with Brian).
As they say, the rest is history. Kait and Steven look forward to all of you celebrating their 4th anniversary with them at their wedding!
We are excited to begin our new lives together and with the help of Target, Zola, and Restoration Hardware it will be something truly special.